Lubisz ciasteczka, prawda? 🍪😋 Cóż, oto pyszny przepis z pikantnym akcentem dzięki naszemu Cacao Spicy Chai 💚.
150g unsalted butter (at room temperature)
120g brown sugar
4g Cacao Spicy Chai tea
230g flour
4 egg yolks
250g white chocolate chips
Mix the butter together with the sugar. Add the flour, Cacao Spicy Chai powder and egg yolks and mix until a biscuit dough is formed.
Add the white chocolate chips and stir them into the dough.
Using an ice cream scoop, roll the biscuit dough into balls, place them on a plate and put them in the fridge for 2 hours.
Finally, preheat the oven to 200°C, place the biscuit dough balls on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper with a space between each biscuit and bake for approximately 12-13 minutes.
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